Saturday, April 1, 2017

Aviation Organizations

1.  Two organizations that I feel will be important to belong to when I am employed in the industry is the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and the Association of California Airports (ACA).

2/3. AAAE was founded in 1928 and it is currently the largest association for airport executives. It represents thousands of airport management personnel around the country (from about 850 airports). Additionally, this association represents companies and organizations that support airports. This association also has representation in Washington D.C ("About AAAE" n.d).  By having representation in Washington D.C, the AAAE is supporting the political sector in the United States.

ACA represents public and privately owned airports in the state of California. Its main purpose is to foster, develop, and promote the air transportation system. Membership in the ACA is not limited to airport managers. Other personnel such as city managers and public work directors can also join this organization ("About ACA" n.d). It can be said that the ACA fosters other industries by allowing workers from other industries to join the ACA in order to foster growth for California airports.

3. Both associations are important for me because I see myself working in the airport management sector of the industry. I believe that both association foster growth for airports, which in turn would foster my career as an individual. Even if I don't end up working in the airport side of the industry (If I work for an airline), these associations would indirectly influence my career positively also. If airports are growing, it means that airlines are providing more services to these airports.
I specifically chose ACA because I see myself moving to California in the future (if the right opportunity exists).

About AAAE. American Association of Airport Executives. Retrieved from:

About ACA. Association of California Airports. Retrieved from:


  1. I like how you are thinking about the future, but I also feel like you have to go where the aviation industry takes you. Even if you have goals, other opportunities are going to arise that could very well be worth taking. I hope you are lucky enough to achieve your goal of going to California and becoming part of these wonderful organizations.

  2. I also chose the American Association of Airport Executives. I agree thats important for us because we will working in the airport management sector of the industry.
